Empowerment and
Professional Development
Conferences offer a platform for members to gain insights from industry leaders, engage in meaningful discussions, and stay updated on the latest trends and innovations in water and sanitation. Join us to enhance your skills and contribute to impactful change. Join Us Now
Community Support and
Sustainable Solutions
WIWAS is committed to supporting communities through practical and sustainable solutions. Our members actively participate in initiatives like donating essential materials to manual pit emptiers, improving sanitation conditions for all. Be a part of our mission to create a cleaner, healthier future by joining WIWAS today. Join Us Now
Iwa Wiwas wiwas-kit-donation

Gender Equality

Work towards eliminating gender-based discrimination in the workplace and in communities.

Access to Clean Water

Support the development and maintenance of water infrastructure that meets the needs of women and children.

Sanitation and Hygiene

Promote awareness and access to menstrual health products and proper sanitation facilities for women and girls.

Research and Innovation

Promote and implement innovative solutions that address water and sanitation challenges while empowering women.

Women and girls spend an estimated 200 million hours daily collecting water worldwide.


Girls have benefited from access to Sanitary pads


Ablution Block Built in Schools


Empowering Women, Transforming Water and Sanitation

Women in Water and Sanitation Association (WIWAS) is a membership-based organization dedicated to empowering women in the water and sanitation sector. We bring together women professionals and advocates to address gaps in the industry, ensuring that women’s voices are heard and valued.

Through networking events, professional development opportunities, and community support initiatives, WIWAS fosters a collaborative environment where women can thrive, lead, and drive sustainable solutions for a better future.

Our Commitment

Professionalism: We uphold the highest standards of excellence in all our endeavors.

Integrity: We are committed to honesty, transparency, and ethical practices.

Passion: Our dedication is driven by a genuine passion for making a positive difference.

Empowerment: We strive to empower women by providing opportunities for growth and leadership.

Networking: We create a supportive network for sharing knowledge, experiences, and resources.

Empowered women at the core of WASH

To empower women in water and sanitation through capacity building, mentorship, knowledge management, advocacy and networking to achieve a gender responsive water and sanitation management

Key Indicators on Women and Girls in Water and Sanitation

  • Access to Clean Water: Women and girls spend 200 million hours daily collecting water, impacting education and economic opportunities .
  • Sanitation Facilities: Nearly 1 billion people practice open defecation, with women and girls facing higher risks of harassment and assault due to inadequate sanitation .
  • Health Impacts: Women and girls suffer more from waterborne diseases like diarrhea, which can be deadly, due to their role in water collection and handling .
  • Education: Lack of sanitation facilities in schools leads to higher dropout rates among girls, especially during menstruation .
  • Economic Impact: Time spent on water collection limits women’s ability to engage in income-generating activities, contributing to economic disparities .
  • Vulnerability to Climate Change: Women in developing countries are more affected by climate change impacts on water resources, as they are often responsible for securing water .
  • Decision-Making: Women are underrepresented in water governance and decision-making processes, limiting effective and equitable water management .

Our Team

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Upcoming Events

IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition, August 2024

Metro Toronto Convention Centre

Sun 11 Aug 2024 08:00AM
WIWAS Meet and Greet

Meru County

Thu 26 Sep 2024 08:00AM
Join WIWAS today and empower women in the water and sanitation sector.

Together, we can create lasting change and support sustainable solutions. Your involvement matters—become a member now and make a difference!

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